Uncategorized Dec 13, 2018

Whoosh!  And the Holiday Season is suddenly upon us.   Seriously, HOW did this happen?


But I will be. (She says, as she tries to calmly reassure herself.)

There are, after all, still ten whole days until Christmas.  That’s enough time.

. . . Isn’t it? (She asks hopefully.)

At least I have the Christmas Day Dinner Menu all planned out.  It includes Warm Brussels Sprouts Salad with Pomegranate Seeds, a new side dish recipe I recently stumbled upon.

I’m a BIG FAN of Brussels sprouts, so I’m really excited to try this one out.  Plus,  Brussels sprouts, as a member of the Brassica family, are one of the best anti-cancer foods there are (as I’ve told you like a BILLION times…)

Pomegranate (in case you didn’t already know) rates as a spectacular anti-cancer food, too! 

It contains quercetin... ellagic acid... anthocyanidins...EGCG catechin... sterols... gallic acid... caffeic acid... and vitamin C...

This means. . .  

  • It inhibits tumorigenesis (the production of tumors).
  • It inhibits angiogenesis (the growth of blood vessels that provide the ‘food supply’ to cancer cells).
  • It modulates UV-mediated phosphorylation of mitogen-activated protein kinases MAPK (a major regulator of cancer cell growth and survival).
  • It strongly inhibits activation of nuclear factor kappa B NFÄøB. (This controls the expression of proteins involved in cell adhesion, migration, invasion, and other horrible stuff.)
  • It down-regulates pro-inflammatory eicosanoids (Inflammation, FYI, makes cancer grow wildly.)

Pomegranate is equally beneficial to guys and gals:

Women:  Its flavonoids inhibit 17-estradiol growth signaling in breast cancer cells.

Men: It inhibits prostate cancer by suppressing testosterone synthesis and androgen receptor gene expression.

As if this wasn't enough reason to fall in love with pomegranate, WAIT!  THERE'S MORE!  It may help prevent heart disease, clear plaque from arteries, and dissolve blood clots.  It has been shown to lift depression and strengthen bonePomegranate juice can reduce inflammation in the gut and improve digestion so it may be beneficial  for people with Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, and other inflammatory bowel diseases.

The nutrients of the pomegranate are even more concentrated in the form of juice, so  despite its (natural) sugar content, this is the one juice I drink daily... and recommend that you do, too! 

You’ll be able to read the research on pomegranate as a food-as-medicine when my new book comes out.  (Yes, it is coming along...but, no,  it is not ready yet.)




¼ cup olive oil

3 tbsp. cider vinegar

1 tbsp. Dijon mustard

1 tbsp. honey

½ tsp. ground cumin

Salt and cracked black pepper to taste

1 1/2 lbs. Brussels sprouts

1/3 cup pomegranate seeds

2 ½ oz. soft goat or feta cheese crumbled (optional)

Finely chopped fresh parsley and toasted pecans or walnuts (for garnish)

  1. Remove 2 or 3 outer leaves from each Brussels sprout.  Set aside.  Slice sprouts into thin wedges.  Steam, or cook in boiling water, until bright green and tender crisp (about 3 minutes).  Add outer leaves and cook until tender crisp (about 30 sec.)  Drain.
  2. In a large bowl, whisk together dressing ingredients: oil, vinegar, mustard, honey, cumin, salt and pepper.
  3. Add sprouts to bowl and toss to coat. Tossing them together while sprouts are still warm helps them to soak up the flavor.
  4. Transfer to your fanciest holiday serving platter or bowl. Sprinkle with pomegranate seeds, parsley, nuts, (and cheese, if using).



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